Author: Bruce Hawsking

The Heart Surgery That Isn’t as Safe for Older Women

The Heart Surgery That Isn’t as Safe for Older Women

Last Thanksgiving, Cynthia Mosson had been on her feet all day in her kitchen in Frankfort, Ind., preparing dinner for nine. She was nearly finished — the ham in the oven, the dressing made — when she suddenly felt the need to sit down.“I started hurting in my left shoulder,” said Ms. Mosson, 61. “It got really intense, and it started to go down my left arm.” She grew sweaty and pale and told her family, “I think I’m having a heart attack.”An ambulance sped her to a hospital where doctors confirmed that she had suffered a mild heart attack. They said testing revealed serious blockages in all her coronary arteries and told her, “You’re going to need open-heart surgery,” Ms. Mosson recalled.When such patients head into an operating room, what happens next has a lot to do with their sex, a re...
Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

La Transformación Digital del Aprendizaje: Innovación, Calidad y Tecnología en la Educación   En la era digital en la que vivimos, la educación se encuentra en constante evolución. Las nuevas tecnologías y los avances en la comunicación han abierto un abanico de posibilidades para la innovación educativa, permitiendo un aprendizaje de calidad y personalizado. En este artículo, exploramos cómo la tecnología educativa, las metodologías innovadoras y la enseñanza personalizada están revolucionando la forma en que los estudiantes adquieren conocimientos y desarrollan habilidades.   La importancia de la innovación educativa en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es innegable. Esta se refiere a la introducción de nuevas ideas, enfoques y tecnologías en el ámbito ...
Medvedev’s 3.40am finish is latest absurd example of why tennis has to change

Medvedev’s 3.40am finish is latest absurd example of why tennis has to change

It happened again. Of course it did.Two tennis players, starting near midnight, battling nearly to sunrise in front of a scattering of fans, with a squad of kids in their early teenage years scurrying after balls at nearly four in the morning. Last year it was Andy Murray duelling with Thanasi Kokkinakis until the night sky began to lighten at around 4am. On Thursday, and into Friday, it was Daniil Medvedev of Russia and Emil Ruusuvuori of Finland doing the tennis version of the 2am jazz set. “I would not have stayed,” Medvedev said in an on-court interview after he completed his comeback from two sets down and eliminated Ruusuvuori 3-6, 6-7(1), 6-4, 7-6(1), 6-0. Judging from the scoreline, Ruusuvuori decided not to and it was hard to blame him.The dynamic would seem absurd if it wasn’t so...
Apple Takes a Humble Approach to Launching Its Newest Device

Apple Takes a Humble Approach to Launching Its Newest Device

When Apple released the Apple Watch in 2015, it was business as usual for a company whose iPhone updates had become cultural touchstones. Before the watch went on sale, Apple gave early versions of it to celebrities like Beyoncé, featured it in fashion publications like Vogue and streamed a splashy event on the internet trumpeting its features.But as Apple prepared to sell its next generation of wearable computing, the Vision Pro augmented reality device, it marched far more quietly into the consumer marketplace.The company said in a news release this month that sales of the device would begin Friday. No big product event was scheduled, though Apple has created a catchy commercial about the device and offered individual demonstrations of it to tech reviewers. And in a departure for the sec...
The U.S. Seems to Be Dodging a Recession. What Could Go Wrong?

The U.S. Seems to Be Dodging a Recession. What Could Go Wrong?

With inflation falling, unemployment low and the Federal Reserve signaling it could soon begin cutting interest rates, forecasters are becoming increasingly optimistic that the U.S. economy could avoid a recession.Wells Fargo last week became the latest big bank to predict that the economy will achieve a soft landing, gently slowing rather than screeching to a halt. The bank’s economists had been forecasting a recession since the middle of 2022.Yet if forecasters were wrong when they predicted a recession last year, they could be wrong again, this time in the opposite direction. The risks that economists highlighted in 2023 haven’t gone away, and recent economic data, though still mostly positive, has suggested some cracks beneath the surface.Indeed, on the same day that Wells Fargo revers...
Middle East Live News: Iran Accuses Israel of Killing Military Advisers in Syria

Middle East Live News: Iran Accuses Israel of Killing Military Advisers in Syria

President Biden pressed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Friday to agree to the creation of a Palestinian state after the war in Gaza is over and raised options that would limit Palestinian sovereignty to make the prospect more palatable to Israel.Hoping to overcome Mr. Netanyahu’s strenuous resistance, Mr. Biden floated the possibility of a disarmed Palestinian nation that would not threaten Israel’s security. While there was no indication that Mr. Netanyahu would ease his opposition, which is popular with his fragile right-wing political coalition, Mr. Biden expressed optimism that they may yet find consensus.“There are a number of types of two-state solutions,” the president told reporters at the White House several hours after the call, their first in nearly a month amid ...