Author: Bruce Hawsking

Even Rats Are Taking Selfies Now (and Enjoying It)

Even Rats Are Taking Selfies Now (and Enjoying It)

When Augustin Lignier, a professional photographer in Paris, was in graduate school, he began to ponder the point of picture-taking in the modern world: Why did so many of us feel compelled to photograph our lives and share those images online?It was not a novel question, but it led Mr. Lignier to a surprising place, and before long he found himself building what was, in essence, a photo booth for rats.He took inspiration from B.F. Skinner, the famous behaviorist who had devised a test chamber to study learning in rats. The Skinner box, as it became known, dispensed food pellets when rats pushed a designated lever.It became one of the most well-known experimental paradigms in psychology. Scientists found that reward-seeking rats became lever-pressing pros, pushing the bar down over and ove...
Why white home uniforms — once an NBA mainstay — have disappeared

Why white home uniforms — once an NBA mainstay — have disappeared

Every August, after the NBA releases its schedule for the upcoming season, Michael McCullough, the Miami Heat’s chief marketing officer, thinks about the next 82 games. He not only considers ticket sales and promotions but also sets a meeting with the team’s equipment manager and focuses on an essential part of his job: uniforms.Laying out the right jerseys used to be an easy exercise across the NBA. There were just two choices. When Rob Pimental, the Heat’s equipment manager and travel coordinator, began his career with the Sacramento Kings in the 1980s, it was just white and blue: white jerseys at home, dark ones on the road. What to wear didn’t demand a conversation.Today, it needs lots of meetings. It has become one of the benchmark choices a franchise can make each season. Over the la...
New Hampshire Officials to Investigate A.I. Robocalls Mimicking Biden

New Hampshire Officials to Investigate A.I. Robocalls Mimicking Biden

Voters in New Hampshire received robocall messages over the weekend in a voice that was most likely artificially generated to impersonate President Biden’s, urging them not to vote in Tuesday’s primary election, according to the state attorney general’s office.The fake recordings, which told listeners that “your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday,” were manipulated to seem as if they had been sent by an officer of a Democratic committee, the office said.The attorney general’s office stressed that voting in the primary would not rule out voters from also casting ballots in the general election in November.“These messages appear to be an unlawful attempt to disrupt the New Hampshire presidential primary election and to suppress New Hampshire voters,” the office said in a s...
Americans’ Economic Confidence Is Returning. Will Biden Benefit?

Americans’ Economic Confidence Is Returning. Will Biden Benefit?

Low approval ratings and rock-bottom consumer confidence figures have dogged President Biden for months now, a worrying sign for the White House as the country enters a presidential election year. But recent data suggests the tide is beginning to turn.Americans are feeling more confident about the economy than they have in years, by some measures. They increasingly expect inflation to continue its descent, preliminary data indicates, and they think interest rates will soon moderate.Returning optimism, if it persists, could bolster Mr. Biden’s chances as he pushes for re-election — and spell trouble for former President Donald J. Trump, who is the front-runner for the Republican nomination and has been blasting the Democratic incumbent’s economic record.But political scientists, consumer se...
What Is ‘Settler Colonialism’? – The New York Times

What Is ‘Settler Colonialism’? – The New York Times

In the intense war of words over the Israel-Gaza war, a particular phrase has popped up repeatedly. At protests, on fliers and in some mainstream publications, it is common to see Israel described — or more likely, assailed — as a “settler-colonial” state.The concept of settler colonialism originates in academia, where its use has surged over the past two decades, whether in case studies of particular places or sweeping master narratives that purport to explain everything since Columbus. It has also been widely taken up on the activist left, invoked in discussions of gentrification, environmental degradation, financial capitalism and other subjects.The term “settler colonialism” may combine two words that are very familiar. But in combination, the term can land as a moral slander — or wors...
Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá
Noticias Recientes

Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá

En el mundo digital actual, el acceso a información confiable y actualizada es fundamental. Los diarios digitales se han convertido en una fuente primordial de noticias, reportajes y análisis en Panamá. En este artículo, presentaremos una selección de los mejores diarios digitales de Panamá, brindando una reseña corta de cada uno de ellos. ¡Prepárate para mantenerte informado con estas fuentes confiables de noticias en línea! 1. Panamá Crece Panamá Crece es un diario digital que se enfoca en noticias relacionadas con el desarrollo económico, social y cultural de Panamá. Con un enfoque en el crecimiento y progreso del país, este medio ofrece una amplia cobertura de eventos y proyectos que impactan la sociedad panameña. Además, Panamá Crece se destaca por sus análisis profundos y entrevist...